
Omega Phalanx

Alpha Team

Blitz Squad


Object of Clan
This clan is supposed to be a mercenary clan. We are destined to roam around Vana'deil and look for jobs. I only try to keep order and I am the leader because every clan needs a leader. But beyond the whole mercenary thing, there is the idea of chasing after the ultimate boss. This means that while we are doing our jobs, we will also be looking for a bosses that seem like a challenge. Such as the emerald and ruby weapons from FFVII. Or something even more of a challenge like Nemesis from FFX. And so I am planning to defeat the greatest challenge we can find with our group.Even if this means fairly dueling another clan, or even an ally. Just a friendly duel though.
Final Fantasy XI is scheduled for release in Japan on May 16th.
FFozone guild forum is no longer our home.
WE NOW HAVE OUR OWN MESSAGE BOARDASIDE FROM FFOZONE'S. ALL MEMBERS REPORT ASAP TO THIS SITE http://omega.proboards4.com/index.cgi . FF XI is coming to America in the first quarter of 2003.

Click here to visit Top 100 FFXI clans!


I've been planning on setting up ranks pretty soon and spread the power, but first we need more members along with time to make the decision.
For now it's me, Halos, in 1st command, Slayer in 2nd command, and Blitz in 3rd. The clan is seperated into three teams.
FFozone forums

Want to join?
E-mail Halos at halos@ffozone.com or X at solidusx87@yahoo.com or Blitz at cold87@aol.com, you should preferably e-mail Halos or X.

Choose the prefix to your knight title
One of the things in this clan is that you must choose a title for yourself a a knight. The titles are now only based on the Greek Letters but if you have another suggestion feel free to e-mail me.

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Final Fantasy
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